Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Slacker...

That is what Ed has been calling me lately.....and I would have to agree. So to do a quick catch up, this is what we have been up to for the last few weeks...

On Labor Day, we labored at our home, pulling weeds and washing cars. We have been getting so much rain which unfortunately means towering weeds. We just have a 12 x12' patio behind our townhouse so it is too small to mow. After our labors, we did head over to the pool to take one last dip before it closed for the year. That was, by far, the best part of the weekend.

Ed has been traveling to and from Philadelphia and working super hard to complete the opening of the Army Experience Center. You can read about it here-
This is just one of the great ideas that he has put into action during his time as the Chief Marketing Officer of the Army. He has also been on film sets for the new commerials, done great things with their website and set in place the first-ever Army marketing plan to check and balance their progress. He truly amazes me in what he is able to accomplish each day.
And we have both been working every night on our 'Mile Long' To Do list as we prepare for this little princess and a new job for Ed. It is still a toss up on which one will come first!


Holly said...

You look so GOOD! You are just a glowing preggie! So do tell about Ed's new job? Lots of change in your future.

Love ya!

Mike and Em said...

Look how beautiful you look! That is really cool about Ed. I hope you guys are doing well. Sounds like lots of exciting change in the near future.

lauralquinton said...

So it's a girl then? And I must agree with Holly, you look beautiful!! Congrats again!

Alicia said...

Holly, We are still searching for that new job which makes the future even more of an unknown! He will leave with the President in the end of January unless he finds something sooner. We have been in the seaching and interviewing stage now and I can't wait to see where we end up. I will definitely let everyone know when we decide!

~ ThE RiChiNs KrEw ~ said...


Stacy Wilson said...

A new baby and a new job...sounds so framiliar. I'm glad it's you this time. It was fun and exciting but I am glad to be through with it. Good Luck on both!

amy's amore said...

Alicia, you look beautiful as always! I wish we could see you in person, but I have Daisy here to occasionally remind me of you. Sometimes her profile or a very serious look will make me say, "Daisy you look like your Aunt Alicia!" She just smiles!

Camie said...

You are too cute. I love you!

Papa Paradigm said...

Dude how did I pass up your latest post, I was just sitting her wondering why you haven't posted for awhile and then noticed the new title...I want to see more pictures of your looks so cute form the picture of you. AND you are looking so sexy, cute dress. How are you feeling? When does mom come out? She said that...just call me.

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

Alicia you look beautiful!! I can't wait to see pictures of this little girl!! So exciting!!!!!